Digital To Dollars

Sports Geek™ has developed the Digital To Dollars process working with teams and leagues to build digital fan bases and develop sponsor campaigns that deliver.

Digital To Dollars can be delivered in multiple formats: Keynote, Workshop, Report and full implementation. 

Need help?

We'd love to help your team develop processes, content and campaigns that delight your fans and deliver for your sponsors.

We'll help your team sell digital!

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Digital To Dollars process

Know Your Audience

Deep understanding of your fans for your sponsors, membership and content teams.  

Know Your Content

Content review to ensure you're producing content your fans want and making sure you are delivering for all fans, not just your digital cheer squad.

Know Your Distribution

Review of the publishing options for your content on social media platforms. What platforms provide traffic? What platforms deliver engagement? How do you use each platform to reach audiences your team (and sponsors) desire?

Know Your Value

Review and development of your digital rate card. What do you value your content and social media posts at and how do you sell the story behind your valuation?

Know Your Pitch

How do you pull it all together? Bringing together the rate card for your branded content and integrating digital activations to deliver the results that your sponsors are looking for while engaging your digital fans.

A Note from the Sean Callanan

Digital to Dollars is a process to drive more revenue for your team, league or any business or influencer with a digital fan base.  

You'll develop an understanding of your digital audience, how to develop content that your fans love and what platforms will provide you with the best engagement and reach results.  

Through this process you will start to understand how to value your digital content and as well as access to your fans on all social media platforms.  

By the end of the Digital to Dollars process you’ll know how to pitch campaigns to sponsors and understand how you can repeat the process to increase the returns from your digital assets and fan base.

Sean Callanan - Founder of Sports Geek